About Cheshire TV

Cheshire TV is committed to providing an opportunity for members of the Community to use cable television to communicate their views. We seek to present a broad range of programming that expresses a diversity of perspectives; to establish a broad base of community understanding of and involvement in public access television; to encourage community support for access productions; and to furnish an electronic conduit for uncensored free expression.
We further intend to assess community response to programming on the public access channel and to aid in the development of additional programming; to ensure continued community access to and use of these channels through sound management; and to participate in the development of additional community uses of telecommunications technology. Cheshire TV exists to further the educational missions of local schools and institutions. Cheshire TV provides a medium through which community members can communicate personal ideas and views to their entire community.
Cheshire TV offers education and training in television production to community members of all ages. Learn More...